With an experience of more than 14 years in the training and placement domain. We have designed a training module that can help you fetch your dream job.
We not only assist the candidates in finding job opportunities but also provide training and mentoring using our proven techniques to increase your efficiency.
Educational Upskilling
In the present scenario where upgrading skill plays a vital role. Our team of Counsellors and Coaches help candidates and working professionals to undergo counselling sessions and based on our psychometric test analysis, we suggest the right professional course to the candidates through reputed and reliable institutes and Universities
Coaching & Mentoring
Our team of Life Coaches and Career Counsellors have experience in training multiple clients and helping them get their clarity of goals. Using an NLP-based coaching method, psychometric test and Emotional Intelligence tool we help our candidates to organize their declutter thoughts so they can work at full throttle. We also provide mentoring sessions whenever our prospect feels low to charge them so that they don’t get trapped inside the overthinking loop rather than focus on work.